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What Is a Birdblocker?

What Is a Birdblocker?


BirdBlocker is a durable plastic strip fixed under the solar panel. Birds can’t get beneath the solar panel since the strip contains needles or fingers that flush against the roof. Birds cannot fly between the arrows because there is a bridge there. It is nearly hard to shatter them because of the materials used to make them. Although the assembly is made simple by the distinctive clip design, the birds cannot pry the clips apart. Alternatively put, a comprehensive, well-researched solution.


Where Did the Birdblocker Originate?


Paul van der Ven, the company’s founder and developer, has worked in the solar panel sector for 20 years. He observed how many issues birds create while going about his daily duties. After it became evident how much harm they inflict and how nesting habits affected animal well-being, he developed the BirdBlocker.


He has created several items recently to address this issue. BirdBlocker was developed in response to the market’s growing need for a qualified, long-lasting, and effective solution for the bird proofing solar panels. As a seasoned professional in the installation sector, I knew that one of the requirements for development was that installation is quick, dependable, and vandal-proof, and one can do it without tools. Your solar panels’ guarantee is retained with BirdBlocker’s special clamps, similar to how hardly any other product on the market is.


95% of standard panels can accommodate BirdBlocker. They are always flexible because of the unique ” BirdBlocker strips have an adjustable length design and fingers.,” which eliminates the need for separate, pricey corner parts. With this, we can guarantee that birds won’t return for at least ten years in 99% of the situations. The main goal of BirdBlocker is to “prevent bird and animal annoyance and damage to solar panels.” To do this, we consistently create and enhance our products.


What Does Birdblocker Do?


Our idea is a simple approach to stop birds from building nests below your solar panels. It makes sense that birds would want a dry, protected area to lay a nest. In addition, your solar energy system, which will also be warm throughout the nesting season, satisfies all these needs. The mixture of solar panels and birds is unwanted and harmful to all parties, including the installation, birds, and the people.


Why is Birdblocker Needed?


As was already established, combining solar panels with birds is not desired and can even be deadly. There are several reasons why it is unfavorable. A pigeon proofing solar panels system is necessary for each installation, and it would be best if you inform your clients about it as an installer. Twigs make up the majority of the nesting material. These might scrape the conductive foil while in the nest or being transported. The twigs might permanently harm the panel and mess up the solar panel system. The nesting materials can catch fire. Additionally, the birds are always in contact with or close to the wiring and electronics. Since the excrements are acidic, they may eventually harm the cabling.