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Up to 95% of energy can be recovered

The energy loss of exhaust fumes, vapors, or other process heat is typically about 15% -20%, with about 95% of that energy recovered by an exodraft heat recovery system. In particular, an exhaust gas heat exchanger can reduce energy consumption by up to 16% with little effort. The effective use of the recovered energy saves resources and lowers the CO₂ balance.


Excess heat in steam and fumes can be reused by our waste heat recovery systems and converted to warm water. The possibilities are manifold and include reintegration of the waste heat into the original process and / or use for other internal processes such as e.g. Room heating, cleaning or showering. Therefore, it is worthwhile to use the considerable amounts of energy contained in flue gases, steam and other heat processes. If the heated water cannot be completely consumed internally, this could be transferred (sold), z. B. to the local district heating network.


As the world’s leading manufacturer of integrated solutions for heat recovery from flue gas and process heat, we have a great deal of expertise, understanding and experience. An important prerequisite for efficient heat recovery system is the knowledge of the relationships between chimney and combustion technology. Often a flue gas heat exchanger can achieve a similar result for a fraction of the cost as the complete renewal of the heating system. Our experience of nearly 60 years in this field is reflected in our products.


With our simulation software exodraft OptiCalc HR ™ we can calculate how much energy your company can save specifically by using an exodraft heat recovery system. Our calculations also show that investing in an exodraft heat recovery solution, in most cases, pays off in less than three years. exodraft OptiCalc HR ™ also provides information on the likely reduction in CO₂ emissions due to heat recovery.