Looking for an interior photographer in The Netherlands ? Interior photographer Vincent Hartman of STUDIOVHF photographs interiors in retail, offices and public buildings throughout The Netherlands, and the rest of Europe. Interior photography, architecture and property are one of the specialities of the versatile photo studio. The studio works for Architects and Designers as well as Design and Build companies.
Interior photography, a specialist craft The photography of an interior in a technical perfect and graphically interesting way is a craft that only a minority of photographers practice at a high professional level. This is partly because the market for architectural photography is a small niche, but also because not a lot of attention is given to it at photography schools and academy’s. Another complication is the years of practice and investment that needs to be put into it to get it to the right professional level. Whereas portrait photography and can be executed with minimal equipment and complications (although there are various levels here also), interior photography requires specialist lenses, tripods, remote controlled flash units and software skills. The main challenge faced with when photographing an interior is the translation of a 3 -dimensional space into a flat image. The space needs to be realistic and recognisable for the viewer, but also pleasing to look at as an image on its own. Position of the camera here is crucial. Also the purpose of the image is important to keep in mind as it is a tremendous difference if the focus is on the ceiling or the furniture or the space itself. It is essential that the camera is on a sturdy tripod with levelling tool and that the camera stays level at all times to prevent the divergence or convergence of vertical lines. Tilt and shift lenses come in handy here to assist the photographer to achieve this, also with a very high or low position of the camera. Another challenge for interior photographers is to deal with high contrast environments and differences in the colour spectrum of light sources. A conventional way of dealing with this that solves both problems to a certain extend is adding flash light to the shadow parts of the pace. In the analogue era of photography there was no other way. Today, the photography being digital opens a whole new set of tools to help the modern photographer to deal with is. Different exposures can be combined in post-processing to use the best of each photograph and achieve a stunning dynamic range. Also colour temperatures of light sources can be altered afterwards. STUDIOVHF, a versatile commercial photographer Of course the photographers of STUDIOVHF also take portraits of people for corporate or editorial purposes. Portrait photography is still the largest discipline of the photography business as people still make the difference is business and social live. Other specialities of the studio are: product photography, corporate and editorial. We encourage you to browse through our portfolio and are looking forward to hearing from you!
https://www.studiovhf.com/en/dutch-commercial-photographer-netherlands |