There are many things that put pressure on the demand for affordable housing in urban areas. It can be expensive to find a home if you want to live as close to work or school as possible, and it’s challenging to find an affordable home without roommates, which may not align with your social preferences. To make matters more challenging, many cities have strict zoning laws regarding where you can build a small house on your property. In some places, you cannot build unless you plant trees and add separate storm water drains. You must also keep your property free of weeds and overgrown grass so that it meets a standard of decency by staying well manicured at all times. In this article, we will examine why these zoning laws exist in the first place and how they impact your ability to compost at home. So read on to learn more about composting, why it matters and how to get started today! Wholesale compost suppliers Why Is It So Hard To Compost In Urban Areas?There are many reasons why composting can be challenging in urban areas, but they predominantly revolve around the overuse of pesticides and herbicides. Many homeowners use insecticides to control pests such as ants, cockroaches, spiders and other crawling bugs. As a result, the waste products of these insects are poisonous and cannot be used in a compost bin. Furthermore, herbicides are used to control weeds, but these chemicals are harmful to the soil so you cannot put them in a compost bin either. The other major challenge to composting in the city is the prevalence of concrete and asphalt. There are no worms or other insects living in these environments, so you cannot create a compost pile and expect it to work without a little extra help. What Constitutes A Good Compost Bin?A good compost bin is an enclosed structure that keeps out wildlife and contains the composting materials so that they do not become a neighborhood nuisance. The most common compost bins are tumblers, enclosed containers and open piles. There are many different ways to compost, but the most effective way is to create an enclosed compost bin that has plenty of air circulation and is kept moist enough to allow the composting process to proceed quickly. Enclosed bins are often made with cedar, but any non-toxic wood will do. Cedar is often used because it naturally repels insects, which is handy if you plan to use your compost as a soil amendment next spring! The Good News: You Can Build Your Own ShedIf you want to compost on your property but are restricted by city zoning laws, you may want to look into building a compost shed. Compost sheds are a great way to have the option to compost on your property without breaking the law. Another advantage to building a compost shed is that you can build it to your specifications. You can easily store tools, pots, gardening supplies and everything else that you need for your gardening projects. Compost sheds are relatively easy to build and are worth considering if you want to be able to compost on your property. But keep in mind that you will likely need to apply for a permit if your city has strict zoning laws. The Bad News: There Are LimitationsIf you are able to build a compost shed on your property, you will have a great place to store tools, pots, gardening supplies and your compost. However, if you live in a city that has strict zoning laws, you cannot compost in your compost shed. Why? Because composting is not allowed in certain zoning areas. Composting is permitted in residential zones, but the city may impose restrictions on the type of composting that can occur. For example, you may be permitted to compost in a residential zone, but only if you use a container that is approved by the city. ConclusionIt can be challenging to compost in urban areas due to the overuse of pesticides and herbicides, as well as the prevalence of concrete and asphalt, which is not welcoming to worms and other insects. Enclosed compost bins are often made with non-toxic wood, such as cedar, which repels insects and is easy to clean. If you live in a city with strict zoning laws, you may need to build a compost shed on your property in order to be able to compost. A compost shed is a great way to compost on your property and to store gardening supplies. This article is provided by | |